2019/20 Budget Discussions

Since I have been on the ITID Board, I have advocated for the restoration of unspent funds appropriated for drainage and paving, to remain in the budget and carried forward year to year. It has been my position these dollars should not be used to supplement other budget items, especially ones that are not boardContinue reading “2019/20 Budget Discussions”

Loxahatchee River Restoration Plan (formerly North County Plan)

The ITID Board of Supervisors will receive a presentation from the District Engineer regarding the currently proposed Loxahatchee River Restoration plan for discussion and Board direction at its meeting on April 17th at 6:30pm. For the interested public, there will be two meetings for public input as set out below. To learn about the projectContinue reading “Loxahatchee River Restoration Plan (formerly North County Plan)”

Royal Ascot Estates, Acreage

There has been some discussion about Royal Ascot Estates and why there is a “Welcome to the Acreage” sign on Seminole Pratt Whitney where the old “Welcome to Royal Ascot Estates” sign was. Here are the historical plat maps for Royal Ascot Estates. Note the first one references “Royal Ascot Estates RPB Acreage”. We areContinue reading “Royal Ascot Estates, Acreage”

Palm Beach County Traffic Meeting at Seminole Ridge Highschool

For those who were unable to make the meeting last night at Seminole Ridge, I will share my notes (from memory) since I don’t believe there is a recording of the meeting. First I would like to thank our District 6 County Commissioner Melissa McKinlay for hosting another community meeting (in addition to the recentContinue reading “Palm Beach County Traffic Meeting at Seminole Ridge Highschool”

ITID Traffic Calming

For those interested in the on-going discussion ITID BOS, staff and traffic engineer and County Engineer have been having regarding accidents and traffic calming on ITID roads, please see the attached memo as well as an exhibit which has maps with the most current data as presented at the December, 2018 meeting showing the distributionContinue reading “ITID Traffic Calming”

2019 New Board

Wednesday night at ITID began with the swearing in of our two new board members Michael Johnson and Joni Martin who were elected last month. We then celebrated and thanked the service of two board members; Ralph Bair, who served for 18 of the past 20 years and Carol Jacobs who served for 12 years.Continue reading “2019 New Board”

ITID Supervisors Elect Orientation

On December 4th at 6:30 pm, at the ITID Administration building, we will have our first of several orientation workshops for the new Board members. The public is welcome to attend however, we will not have public comment. This will be a great opportunity for the public to understand what the responsibilities and authority ofContinue reading “ITID Supervisors Elect Orientation”

Keith Jordano endorses Betty Argue for ITID Seat 4

“In going forward, everyone who voted for me, agreed with my platform or cares about the future of our community, I ask you to support Betty Argue and Gary Dunkley, as they have this community’s best interest at heart and will work hard for the good of our community. Albert Einstein once said, “The definitionContinue reading “Keith Jordano endorses Betty Argue for ITID Seat 4”

County Approves GL Homes

On Thursday September 22, 2016, the County adopted the GL Homes land use and comprehensive plan text amendments with only one amendment. The one amendment was to remove the additions of Hamlin, Orange and 180th Avenue to the Long-range Thoroughfare Map because there was no notice to ITID and was a last minute change. ItContinue reading “County Approves GL Homes”


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