SR7 Administrative Order

Administrative Judge orders in favor of County and FDOT for SFWMD permitting SR7 extension. Next steps:

1. There will be 15 days for parties to file exceptions to the Administrative Order, April 15th, 2017 is deadline.

2. SFWMD has 90 days from the Administrative Order to issue their Final Order, June 28th, 2017 is deadline.

3. Once the Final Order is issued, parties have 30 days from that date to file an appeal. If the final Order is not issued until June 28th, this would mean the appeal deadline is July 28th, 2017.

4. If there is an appeal, this could tie up the matter for many more months but unless a Motion to Stay construction were granted, next steps could proceed.

5. Then the Army Corps of Engineers permit would need to be granted which could start a whole new challenge process. In addition, the Army Corps of Engineers’ permit will rely on information from an environmental study as well as information from the EPA. Please see the previous response from the EPA in September, 2015. EPA Letter dated September 2015 re SR7

So as you can see from the known timeline above as well as the possibility of further legal challenges, this project could be delayed in the best case scenario by another year and worse case, much longer. One more hurdle potentially has been passed but it hardly ends the story.

To read the full order, go here Administrative Order dated March 31 2017 re SFWMD Permit

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Published by Betty Argue

I am married and have 3 beautiful boys that are 21, 8 and 6 years old. I live in Loxahatchee, FL. I am the PTO President of Loxahatchee Groves Elementary School, Committee Chair for Cubscout Pack 124, President of Alerts of PBC, Inc. I have many years of experience as a Real Estate Agent, in law as a paralegal. I am currently running for Supervisor, Indian Trail Improvement District Seat 4. Election Day is November 8th, 2016. Please vote!


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