District Manager

Someone please tell me how we wouldn’t be behind when we have been without a permanent district manager since June of last year. That has created a vacuum and the necessity to figure out the best path forward. Bringing an outsider was clearly not the solution. We have someone right in front of our face that has done a tremendous job wearing two hats.

So let’s talk about what has been accomplished with Rob as the interim District Manager.

1. key positions such as the Finance Director and District Secretary have been hired with very qualified persons in addition to addressing many challenging staff issues.

2. The first two weeks of January he spent in Tallahassee. The first where he successfully helped 3 BOS lobby legislators on our key issues. He did well and was not out of his field. The second week was the FASD DM certification course wherein he successfully completed the week, networked with colleagues and more legislators. All of this was done while dealing with pressing issues from afar.

3. He has continued to addresses issues with maintenance and operations by prioritizing needs.

4. He continues to work with staff and FEMA on claims for reimbursement.

5. He has successfully worked with the District Engineer and the District Attorneys on future project plan developments, infrastructure issues, employee issues, legal matters and other matters the District is facing.

6. Rob has been working with the Engineers, contractor and myself on the Acreage Community Park South expansion. His experience has been immeasurable to address some of the hurdles and issues that have come up. He has come up with cost saving solutions. He has had no problems with respect to communicating with all involved.

7. Rob has worked with staff and the professionals as well as attended meetings with the County on our roads and specifically relating to the 60th Street TIM amendment proposed by the County staff.

8. He has put together many proposals for consideration of the BOS relating to equipment and costs on roads paving plans.

9. He has made recommendations for policy changes, organizational chart changes and salary chart which the BOS has adopted.

10. He has pursued cost saving initiatives relating to road material.

While I could probably come up with more items to add to my list, there is nothing more important than the fact that he stepped in to a role he has never done before, has done so seamlessly, successfully and without complaint.

I might also mention that not everyone is going to be happy with him because perhaps a decision made affects them personally. People inherently often don’t like changes. The job of District Manager is thankless in a lot of ways but it isn’t the responsibility to make sure everyone is happy. It is the responsibility of that person to follow and comply with Statutory requirements and policies adopted by the District BOS as well as to follow the direction of the BOS. We need someone who not only can do that, which in and of itself can be a challenge but also be a leader for the District, be forward thinking and vested in the community. Rob Robinson is all of those things and more. He has been professional and has taken everything in stride. Often in meetings it is difficult to get all of those things out.

District chooses Michael Brillhart as District Manager

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Published by Betty Argue

I am married and have 3 beautiful boys that are 21, 8 and 6 years old. I live in Loxahatchee, FL. I am the PTO President of Loxahatchee Groves Elementary School, Committee Chair for Cubscout Pack 124, President of Alerts of PBC, Inc. I have many years of experience as a Real Estate Agent, in law as a paralegal. I am currently running for Supervisor, Indian Trail Improvement District Seat 4. Election Day is November 8th, 2016. Please vote!


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