ITID Traffic Calming

For those interested in the on-going discussion ITID BOS, staff and traffic engineer and County Engineer have been having regarding accidents and traffic calming on ITID roads, please see the attached memo as well as an exhibit which has maps with the most current data as presented at the December, 2018 meeting showing the distribution of accidents throughout the District.

2018-1205 bos 121218 item 16.6.1 agenda memorandum

itid memo exhibits dec 2018

Also below is the crash data and County analysis (Nov 2018) at Hall and Northlake.

2018_1105_pbc-nl_hall accident graphics

As a result of this data, recommendations from the engineer was to request a new traffic study by the County at this intersection. The County Engineer has approved doing one. The Engineer also recommended renewing the rumble strips on the north approach of Hall to Northlake. That has been completed.

In addition, our District Manager Rob Robinson recommended lane delineator posts to change the approach view and to keep cars in their lanes. The Board also requested to install LED stop signs at the location for increased visibility. These measures were all approved by the ITID BOS and will be installed in the coming months.

As always, we welcome input from the community. The ITID Board of Supervisors first priority is the safety of our roads. Safer roads also means that drivers need to pay attention while driving. We hope that the combination of the measures we are taking and the awareness we are trying to create in our community, will reduce the crashes and accidents that are occurring.

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By Betty Argue

I am married and have 3 beautiful boys that are 21, 8 and 6 years old. I live in Loxahatchee, FL. I am the PTO President of Loxahatchee Groves Elementary School, Committee Chair for Cubscout Pack 124, President of Alerts of PBC, Inc. I have many years of experience as a Real Estate Agent, in law as a paralegal. I am currently running for Supervisor, Indian Trail Improvement District Seat 4. Election Day is November 8th, 2016. Please vote!

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